Fitness inspired portrait session
Sheila and Sarah are the owners of F.A.B. fitness club — both very energetic and happy women.
Sarah has won a special gift certificate at one of the charity auctions that I support, and decided to update her image on the website. She invited her business partner – Sheila – for the whole experience, so they could share it together. It was so great to meet them and to learn about their organization!
When I asked what does F.A.B stand for, they passionately shared their philosophy.
We do this by combining personal development and movement via our one of a kind guest speaker series: Self-Defense, Gratitude, Confidence, and Journey to Joy.
As F.A.B. Women we join together to move our body, develop our mind, lighten our spirit, and have a blast!”
As you might think, I had to check their website (F.A.B. women) and sign for some dance classes with them. That’s the community I want to be in. If you want to join – just give them a call and let’s meet on one of their fabulous evens — just for ladies of course!

Very cute. I never thought to do fitness photos like this, but I might do it once I get my black belt in Sept.
That is such a cool idea. They look great in your photos.
Too cute! I love how the under shirt matches the Fab logo!
I love their attitude, and I’ll bet their classes are really fun!
I LOVE the first photo and I think it’s really cool that Sarah decided to take a shoot for F.A.B. What a great idea!
Cool! What a great way to spend an afternoon and an auction ticket win. I love the energy in the pictures and I wish them all the best.
Looks perfect & I love this idea of having a Fitness Ladies Course, which would definitely encourage our confidence level as well. You look great in that FAB T.Shirt as well. Will check the website for sure.
great photos! They look like they are so much fun!